Three write-in candidates win seats on Millstone K-8 board of education

MILLSTONE – Three newcomers will join the Millstone Township K-8 School District Board of Education in January following their victories as write-in candidates in the Nov. 5 election.

According to results posted online by the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office, Shannon Pulaski, Amrita Singh and Mary Waskovich emerged as the top vote-getters in the election for three available three-year terms.

Pulaski received 184 write-in votes, Singh received 153 write-in votes and Waskovich received 139 votes. Mark McLafferty received 93 write-in votes, according to the clerk’s office.

No residents filed nominating petitions to appear on the ballot to run for the three three-year terms that were available, leaving open the possibility write-in candidates could win seats on the board.

In the weeks leading up to the election, Pulaski, Singh, Waskovich and McLafferty launched write-in campaigns to seek the available terms.

Pulaski, Singh and Waskovich have said they intend to accept their write-in victories and will join the board in 2020. The board oversees the operation of the Millstone Township Primary School, the Millstone Township Elementary School and the Millstone Township Middle School.

In a statement she issued after the election, Pulaski said, “I am humbled and honored to have been elected to serve on the board. Over the past few weeks, I have connected with many in our community and would like to thank them for taking the time to share their ideas, their concerns and their aspirations for our school board. I am eager to roll up my sleeves and get to work on the issues that matter most to our students and our community.

In an online statement, Waskovich wrote, “Thank you, Millstone. I look forward to serving this amazing community on the board and working with the newly elected and existing board members. Once again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.”

In a statement he posted on Facebook, McLafferty wrote, “I would like to congratulate the three winners on running a fair and professional race. I know you will make us proud. Unfortunately, I came up a bit short. I want thank all the residents who supported me and wrote me in. I do appreciate it.

“I met a bunch of great people over the last few months by running. My family loves living here. If an opportunity presents itself in the future to support the town in a time of need, I do plan to get involved. I want to thank everyone once again for the support,” McLafferty wrote.

Singh could not be reached for comment.