Freeholders plan improvements at busy intersection in Marlboro

MARLBORO – The Monmouth County Board of Freeholders is planning to make upgrades at a busy intersection in Marlboro.

During a meeting on Nov. 7, the freeholders voted to authorize the acquisition of right of way for improvements at the intersection of Tennent Road (Monmouth County Route 3) and Spring Valley Road/Harbor Road in the Morganville section of the community.

The David C. Abbott Early Learning Center is at the corner of Tennent and Harbor roads.

Freeholder Director Thomas Arnone said the proposed intersection improvements “will include the realignment of the two approach roads and an anticipated new traffic signal to improve safety at this busy intersection.

“Some parcel acquisitions are needed to construct those improvements. Our resolution authorizes the county to begin negotiations with the property owners for the purchase of the necessary parcels,” Arnone said.

According to the resolution that the freeholders passed, the members of the county’s governing body determined a need exists for upgrades where Tennent, Spring Valley and Harbor roads meet. There is no traffic signal and vehicles on Tennent Road have the right of way. There are stop signs on Spring Valley and Harbor roads at the intersection.

The board appropriated $345,000 for the acquisition of properties and easements at the intersection. The resolution does not provide a timeline for when the improvements will be completed.