Election winner will not take seat on Howell school board

HOWELL – The Howell K-8 School District Board of Education will fill an anticipated vacancy after board member-elect Joseph Tate informed district administrators he will not be able to serve on the panel.

In the Nov. 5 school board election, incumbents Cristy Mangano, Mark Bonjavanni and Laurence Gurman, and newcomer Tate, sought three three-year terms. Mangano, Bonjavanni and Tate won the three seats.

During a Nov. 20 board meeting, Superintendent of Schools Joseph Isola informed the board members that Tate would not be able serve on the panel.

“I have had conversations with Mr. Tate and I have it in writing that due to some professional obligations, he will be unable to take the seat. As of Jan. 2, we will have a vacancy to fill,” Isola said.

Tate could not immediately be reached for comment.

“This is a unique situation, it is not as if a seated board member moved out of town and had to resign or whatever may have happened. This was due to an election, somebody had enough votes to gain a seat on the board, but unfortunately for Mr. Tate he is unable to do that. The board is now charged with making an appointment,” Isola said.

Howell residents may apply to be appointed to the board. An applicant must be a U.S. citizen; at least 18 years old; able to read and write; a resident of Howell for at least one year prior to the date of appointment; registered to vote in the district; and not directly or indirectly involved in a contract with or a claim against the board.

The person who is appointed to the board in January will serve through 2020. In the November 2020 election, the final two years (2021 and 2022) of the term Tate won will be on the ballot.

The deadline for residents to apply for the appointment is 3 p.m. Dec. 5. Any and all interviews the board may choose to grant to interested individual will take place at the board’s Dec. 11 meeting.

Interested individuals should send written/email (email preferred) notice of his/her interest, background information and/or personal statement, along with his/her full name, address and daytime telephone number to Ronald Sanasac, Assistant Superintendent for Business Administration/Board Secretary, at [email protected]. Indicate “Board Vacancy” in the email subject line.