East Brunswick introduces ordinance reducing speed limit on Rues Lane

EAST BRUNSWICK–The Township Council introduces an ordinance amending the township code to reduce the speed limit on Rues Lane from 30 to 35 mph.

Lt. Frank Sutter said that according to the East Brunswick Police Department’s Special Operations Unit, a speed study was recently conducted on Rues Lane with data obtained.

“Upon review of that data along with available crash data, it is the opinion of this department and [township’s Department of Planning and Engineering] that the speed limit should be reduced to 30 mph on Rues Lane just between Canterbury Road and Cranbury Road,” Sutter said.

Sutter explained that the 25 mph speed limit would also continue to be in place near Hammarskjold Middle School and would apply to when children are present.

The lowering of the speed limit is to increase safety for motorists and pedestrians, according to Sutter.

The council introduced and approved the ordinance on Nov. 18 during the council meeting at the municipal building. The second and final reading is scheduled for Dec. 9.

Council Vice President James Wendell said, “In years past when a study was done on this, we would have a presentation from traffic safety. I am not in favor of just arbitrarily lowering speed limits just for the sake of lowering speed limits. I would like to see and hear a presentation.”

Councilman Kevin McEvoy said that he travels on Rues Lane often and feels that the current speed limit is fine and that reducing the speed is not needed; however, if the police department recommends this change he will support it.

All signs, posts or other necessary materials will be installed once this ordinance is adopted, according to the council agenda.

Council President Sterley Stanley said that members from the police department will come to speak about this recommendation to reduce the speed limit either before or during the next council meeting.

Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].