No more waiting for great healthcare

Do you have a luxuriously flexible schedule that permits you to calmly and patiently tolerate long wait times for appointments? If you do, your are blessed and need not read further.But, if you are like most of us, you simply do not have the luxury of time.

Let’s run through the typical steps before you can actually receive good care and start feeling better – call to make an appointment, wait on the phone hold, wait 1-6 weeks out for your appointment depending on how “special” your provider is, arrive at an “appointment,” and wait another 30-60 minutes. But, at least now you can breathe a sigh of relief because you are going to get enough time from your provider and most importantly you are going to get answers, right? Unfortunately, the above scenario is all too common and is typically followed by more expensive tests and more waiting which, in the case of musculoskeletal related pain, could all be avoided by choosing conservative management, namely and perhaps most notably high quality physical therapy such as the care you will receive at ProFysio Physical Therapy.

What if you could receive the same quality, compassionate, and personalized attention that you receive at your family provider and have all the conveniences of a large modern healthcare organization without the dreadful wait time. Some healthcare organizations are improving access to healthcare for patients with innovations like telemedicine, convenient transportation, and priority scheduling.  ProFysio Physical Therapy is an innovative company with five locations that is delivering convenient high quality health care.    

Skip the wait time and speak to your provider today. ProFysio Physical Therapy offers an initial consultation from the comfort of your home or office via an encrypted and secure platform that protects your private health information. The system works with most smartphones, tablets and computers. 

“We understand that sometimes patients can be nervous about the prospect of beginning PT or maybe they are just skeptical; the video consult allows them to have their questions answered for free,” said co-owner Dr. Leonard J. Somarriba.

Does your provider offer convenient hours? In order to meet the demands and expectations of today’s patient its critical that the hours of operation offered are convenient and realistic for the patient to attend sessions and receive treatment. 

“How can we expect todays working mom or dad to come for their recommended treatment between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, that’s just not realistic. So, we’re open Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.,” Dr. Somarriba said.  

ProFysio also schedules the first appointment within 48 hours of your call and wait times are nearly non existent.

How long will treatment take? Some conditions can be treated in as little as 20 minutes once per week. Treatment plans are customized to your physical and lifestyle needs. When in clinic sessions are not possible, utilizing our interactive, dynamic, and customizable home exercise software is an essential component to treatment.

What if you need to get to your doctor but you don’t have a ride? For some patients, getting to and from their appointments can mean the difference between staying healthy or living in pain. ProFysio has partnered with Uber Health to provide fast, on demand, and convenient transportation to and from your Physical Therapy sessions. 

“It’s even easier than your personal UBER because we schedule the ride for you,” Dr. Somarriba said.

ProFysio Physical Therapy is located in Old Bridge, East Brunswick, Edison, Aberdeen and Holmdel. Dr. Leonard J. Somarriba is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and co-CEO of ProFysio. Call for your complimentary consultation, 732-419-8075.