La Convivencia to hold Holiday Day of Service on Dec. 7

La Convivencia will be the host to its second annual Holiday Day of Service on Saturday, Dec. 7, from 3-5 p.m. at Presbyterian Dutch Neck Church, 154 S. Mill Road, West Windsor.

This is an opportunity to share the joy of the holiday season by packing much-needed care items for underserved children and families throughout our community.

La Convivencia is a faith and community-based non-profit that aims to bring diverse faith and cultural groups of people together, by honoring and celebrating the differences and shared values of a pluralistic community, while creating experiences and awareness that supports the growing needs of the community.

This year, La Convivencia has collaborated with the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK) and the New Brunswick Children’s Hospital to donate items collected to families and kids in need. Items are being collected are in partnership with McCaffery’s Food Market in West Windsor and through donations by community members.

On the the of the event, La Convivencia will be decorating holiday cookies, writing holiday greeting cards, assembling care packages and wrapping children’s books. La Convivencia is aspiring to make more than 1,000 personal care item packages and to decorate over 1,000-holiday cookies to donate to those in need.

American families struggle to secure everyday essentials, afford basic, non-food household goods, including personal care and childcare items.

Donating personal care items are not only a way to help families in need of basic necessities, but also a way to involve the entire community in a worthy cause and build the bridges of understanding in the own community.

Come join La Convivencia in a collaborative effort to involve families and youths of all ages for the common good in the community. All are welcome to attend this community event. Together as a family and a community, patrons can make a difference during this holiday season.

You can sign up to volunteer for La Convivencia’s event at:

For more information about La Convivencia, visit: