Old Bridge awarded for its proactive safety efforts

OLD BRIDGE – The New Jersey Intergovernmental Insurance Fund (NJIIF) has awarded the township with its safety incentive program award recognizing the township for its efforts to create and maintain a safe environment for its employees, volunteers, residents and visitors, according to Old Bridge officials.

Efforts include a strong and active safety committee; timely claims reporting; more proactive safety training; consistent staff education as well as the implementation of comprehensive auto safety programs, township officials said.

Fourteen municipalities founded NJIIF in 1991 as a means of managing their Workers’ Compensation costs. In 1995, the fund increased the scope of coverage in the program to include property and casualty. The NJIIF serves municipalities and counties statewide.

“Creating a safe environment for our employees, visitors and volunteers has always been a priority for Old Bridge,” said Mayor Owen Henry in a release. “We’re thankful to the entire team for keeping safety top of mind, which has reduced claims and in turn has kept our administrative costs down.”

The NJIIF is a New Jersey approved, self-insured, reinsured public entity insurance pool. NJIIF offers all New Jersey public entities multiple lines of insurance including workers’ compensation; general liability; police professional liability; public official liability and employment practices liability, as well as automobile and property coverage.

For more information, contact 732-721-5600 ext. 2040 or visit www.oldbridge.com.