
South River police advise residents of Social Security phone scam alert


The South River Police Department (SRPD) has seen a recent increase in calls from South River residents reporting attempted Social Security Number scam attempts.

During the phone calls, the scammers attempt to convince individuals that their Social Security number has been suspended, according to information provided by the SRPD.

The scam begins with a phone call or robocall. Criminals will often spoof the Social Security Administration’s number, causing the caller ID to show a call that looks like it is from the government. When you answer, a scammer will say your Social Security number has been suspended.

The person may sound professional and will usually explain the number has been suspended because you committed a crime. The scammer may also say the government has filed a lawsuit against you. To rectify the matter, victims are sometimes told to call a specific number, where they will be required to provide their personal information, according to the statement.

In another version of the scam, victims are told their Social Security number has been suspended due to suspicious activity. To un-suspend the number, the scammer will say you need to be connected to a Social Security representative. You may then be asked to share personal information, such as stating the last four digits of your Social Security number to make sure it matches.

Scammers may also say you need to pay a fine or send money to end the lawsuit, recover your Social Security number or rectify the matter. Victims have reported being told they can make payments via wire transfers or gift cards, according to the statement.

The scammers also have additional goals of obtaining your personal information. In addition to your Social Security number, this could include your birthday, bank account number or home address.

Residents are reminded to be aware of the following:

• Your Social Security number cannot be suspended, revoked, frozen or blocked. It anyone tells you that, hang up immediately.

• No government agencies will ask you to wire money, send cash or buy gift cards as a form of payment.

• Social Security Administration employees would never threaten to have you arrested or send the police to your home. You do not have to verify your Social Security number to someone who makes an unsolicited call to you.

• The Social Security Administration may call you if you’re working with the agency on an issue or a claim. But just to make sure it is truly the SSA calling, hang up and call SSA’s main number at 1-800-772-1213.