Hundreds expected to rally in Princeton on Tuesday

A rally ahead of the U.S. House of Representatives’ expected vote on whether to impeach President Donald Trump has been set for Dec. 17 at 5:30 p.m. in Hinds Plaza in front of the Princeton Public Library at 63 Witherspoon St.

Hundreds of protesters are expected to gather on the plaza as part of the nationwide “Nobody is Above the Law” rallies. About 400 such rallies are expected to occur nationwide, event organizers said.

More than 700 people have signed up to attend the Princeton rally.

The Princeton rally is being sponsored by several groups, including the Bayard Rustin Center for Social Justice, the Princeton Community Democratic Organization, Indivisible Princeton, Lawrence Citizen Activists, Indivisible Cranbury and Indivisible Monroe.

“We at the Bayard Rustin Center for Social Justice are proud to gather with a strong coalition of allies, as well as with our greater community, to organize an ‘Impeach and Remove’ rapid response rally,” said Robt Seda-Schreiber, chief activisit.

The center is located on Wiggins Street, around the corner from Hinds Plaza and the Princeton Public Library.

The House Judiciary Committee announced two articles of impeachment – one for abuse of power and another one for obstruction of Congress. If the House of Representatives votes to impeach the President, the issue will be referred to the U.S. Senate for possible removal of the President.