Core businesses at Bayshore Recycling Center in Keasbey are open for business as fire investigation continues


KEASBEY – As the investigation into the fire at Bayshore Recycling Center continues, core businesses at the center in the Keasbey section of Woodbridge are up and running, Valerie Montecalvo, president and chief executive officer of the center, announced in a company statement.

Montecalvo said the fire did not affect Bayshore Recycling Corp. and Bayshore Soil Management, which are operational for processing of Class B materials – brick, block concrete, asphalt, clean and contaminated soil, along with aggregate production.

“Our fully automated Class A recycling operation Bayshore Single Steam Solutions and metals processing business Coastal Metals are located on the other end of our property and were similarly unaffected,” she said. “We are happy to say that these operations are open for business [as of Dec. 17] and email is working.”

At approximately 12 p.m. on Dec. 16, a fire ignited in the paper recycling building at the Bayshore Family of Companies facility at 75 Crows Mill Road. The building is connected to the center’s Bayshore offices and destroyed the center’s paper recycling business and offices, Montecalvo said.

The Keasbey Fire Department is the lead agency handling the fire investigation

Multiple fire agencies assisted in the fire including all nine fire districts in all sections of Woodbridge, Perth Amboy, South Amboy and Sayreville. Hagerty said the New York City Fire Department sent two fire boats to assist from the Arthur Kill.

There were no injuries reported and the Woodbridge Department of Public Works facility, which is next to the Bayshore Recycling Center, was not damaged, said John Hagerty, the communications director for Woodbridge.

In the statement, Montecalvo said the company would like to “sincerely thank all the firefighter units and first responders from throughout the Middlesex, Monmouth and Somerset county region who responded to battle and contain the fire.

“We also wish to personally thank Woodbridge Township, Mayor John McCormac and his Chief of Staff Caroline Erhlich, for all of their assistance and support during this crisis,” she said. “A heartfelt thank you to our dedicated employees, customers, countless fellow businesses, non-profit organizations we champion, friends and family of Bayshore who have reached out to offer their concern and sympathy. We are humbled by all of the kind messages and offers to help which we will use as inspiration to recover on nearly an immediate basis to continue serving our customers with critical recycling services.”