Jackson council expects to appoint new member at Jan. 2 meeting

JACKSON – The four sitting members of the Jackson Township Council are expected to appoint a resident to fill a vacant seat on the governing body when they hold their 2020 reorganization meeting at 6 p.m. Jan. 2 in the municipal building.

Rob Nixon, who had been serving as council president during 2019, resigned from his position on Nov. 26. Nixon had one year remaining in the four-year term he was serving.

At present, the members of the council are Kenneth Bressi, Barry Calogero, Andrew Kern and Alex Sauickie III.

The individual who is appointed to succeed Nixon will serve through Dec. 31, 2020.

According to the office of the municipal clerk, following Nixon’s resignation the council members requested resumes from interested citizens. As of Dec. 16, about 20 resumes had been received and were being reviewed.

A decision regarding the council appointment is expected to be made at the beginning of the reorganization meeting. A majority vote will decide the appointment. In the event of a tie, Mayor Michael Reina would vote to break the tie, according to the clerk’s office.

Jackson has a nonpartisan government and any resident was able to apply for the council position, regardless of his or her political affiliation, or lack of affiliation.

There will be a municipal election in Jackson in November 2020. The seats now held by Calogero and Bressi, and the seat to be held by the person who is appointed on Jan. 2, will be on the ballot next fall.