Adelphia School pupils create ‘kindness sleeves’ for Starbucks

HOWELL – Pupils at the Adelphia School decorated coffee cup sleeves with positive messages to help spread kindness throughout Howell during December.

Principal Danielle Palazzolo said the school’s message is “positive actions will shine.”

“We take great pride in making sure we develop and instill in children a safe and secure learning environment that also teaches responsibility and requires students to think about giving back and how our thoughts and actions not only effect ourselves, but also other members of the community,” Palazzolo said.

Palazzolo said a first grade teacher at the school has family who manages a Starbucks coffee shop in Howell.

“The manager asked if our students would like to decorate the sleeves that come on hot drinks with words of kindness. She said as they passed out the hot drinks they would explain that Adelphia students are trying to spread kindness around Howell.

“I thought this would be a great idea to show the community how hard we work on teaching the children to be kind.

“It is cultivating in our students the importance of kindness and how they can actively participate in a more global community where their positive actions will shine beyond just here at the school,” Palazzolo said.