Cranbury officials discuss potential safety additions to Village Park

Cranbury officials are looking at additional safety measures in 2020 to a safe route to school through Village Park.

During the discussion in their final work session of 2019 on Dec.16, officials voiced their support for the parks commission to seek funding for a new path to be created in Village Park.

“There are two issues that were put together. One is the new Ingerman Development is sort of behind Village Park and Bennett place and they have a path into and through Village Park as part of there safe walk to school route,” Committeeman Mike Ferrante said. “We talked about potentially lighting or paving that path.”

According to state officials, “Safe Routes to School” is a federal, state and local effort to improve the health and well-being of children by enabling and encouraging children, including those with disabilities, to walk and bicycle to school.

Ferrante said the other part of the discussion centered around the Parks and Recreation Commission creating a walking path around the outer loop in the form of a circle eight inside Village Park.

“They wanted to get our endorsement and they are going to seek funding sources for it,” Ferrante said. “The discussions resulted in we have to absolutely have a safe path from the new Ingerman Development to Village Park. We are going to look at it holistically in early 2020 and agreed that a path around Village Park for recreation purposes would also be good and encouraged the commission to look for funding services.”

The Ingerman Development is two buildings containing 24 family apartments and 66 senior and special needs apartments. The development is part of Cranbury’s affordable housing settlement obligation.

The development is off of Route 130 in Cranbury, as is Village Park.

Ferrante said when the first residents move into the apartments in the spring, the lighting of the safe route to school should be looked at for next winter.

“We need to make sure that during the dark and snowy time students have a safe path. Part of why we have our affordable housing all adjacent to the downtown area is so that students can walk. If we are going to have students that walk we have to make sure the walking path is clear and safe,” Ferrante said. “I think a walking path around Village Park suggested by the Parks Commission is great idea.”

He said the one in Heritage Park is so popular and a paved walking path loop would be just great to have in Village Park.