Jackson councilmen appoint Flemming to open seat on governing body

JACKSON – The four sitting members of the Jackson Township Council have appointed Martin Flemming to fill an open seat on the governing body.

Flemming, who owns County Line Hardware in the township, had been serving on the Planning Board.

Rob Nixon, who had been serving as council president during 2019, resigned from his position on Nov. 26 with one year remaining in the four-year term he was serving. Flemming will serve through 2020 and the seat will be on the ballot in November.

Councilmen Kenneth Bressi, Barry Calogero, Andrew Kern and Alex Sauickie III voted to appoint Flemming to the council during the municipal government’s 2020 reorganization meeting on Jan. 2.

Municipal officials said about 20 residents applied for the appointment.

The Tri-Town News requested the names of all the residents who applied for the appointment, but Township Clerk Janice Kisty said the names are not releasable under New Jersey’s Open Public Records Act without the permission of the unsuccessful candidates.

Kisty said Flemming’s resume was the only one she could provide because he received the appointment.

During the council members’ discussion of the pending appointment, Kern said he spoke with nine residents who sought the appointment.

“As I spoke to them I asked them a number of different questions and one candidate stood out far and above all the rest, and that candidate is Martin Flemming,” Kern said.

Calogero called Flemming a sound selection for the council seat.

Sauickie said he reached out to several residents who sought the appointment.

“All the candidates were great. The fact that we have so many people in town who want to participate in the government is incredible to see. But like Councilman Kern said, one really rose to the top for me. Given that (Flemming) is a lifelong resident, a businessman in town, and has family in town, it was a pretty obvious choice for me,” Sauickie said.

“Marty has been in town a long time. He is totally committed to the town in so many ways, his service with the fire department, his business that he has run for years,” Bressi said.

Calogero thanked all of the residents who sought the council appointment and said, “Whether you are a Democrat, a Republican or independent, just to come forward and serve your country, serve your township, is admirable and deserving of a round of applause.”

Flemming thanked the council members and Mayor Michael Reina for the appointment.

“I would also like to say to the residents that I am aware I am not elected to this position, but I intend to do what I believe is best for the township and the people who live in it. I will treat this job with the respect it deserves and in turn, over time, earn your respect as well,” he said to members of the public who were in attendance.

Flemming said he sought the council appointment because he believes he can do good for Jackson “and now I would like to do exactly that.”

After being named to the council, Flemming was appointed as the council’s designee to the Planning Board for 2020.

The new councilman said he has a lot to learn, but said he is looking forward to serving on the governing body.

“I have been on a board of fire commissioners for 21 years. I have dealt with budgets, I have dealt with personnel. I am not coming in flat, but (serving on the council) is a different world,” Flemming said.

Flemming said he is planning to run for a four-year term in the 2020 election. The seats held by Calogero, Bressi and Flemming will be on the ballot this fall.