Do you like The Mandalorian’s short episodes?

Question: Do you think the Disney+ series The Mandalorian might start a new trend of shorter episode lengths for streaming shows? As someone who has endured the interminable length of so many Netflix shows — is there an episode of a Marvel series that wouldn’t have benefited from being 15 minutes shorter? — I’m finding the shorter episode length of The Mandalorian refreshing. —Darren

Matt Roush: I couldn’t agree more, and I can only hope other shows would follow The Mandalorian’s lead and realize that just because streaming gives you the freedom to fashion episodes of any length, that doesn’t mean it should always be an endurance test. (That groan my co-workers often hear is when I cue up another episode of a Netflix or other streaming series — Castle Rock, I’m thinking of you, too — and realize from the time code that it’s going to occupy at least a full hour of my time.) One of the virtues of The Mandalorian is its economy within each episode, its tight focus with minimal filler. The cinematic wipes between scenes also keep the pace brisk. Another thing I enjoy about The Mandalorian is the weekly scheduling of new episodes. If the whole season had dropped at once, like most Netflix shows do, what are the odds we’d still be obsessing on Baby Yoda weeks later? There are lessons to be learned here.

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