Indivisible of Monroe Township will hold its next meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Jan. 22 at the Monroe Township Library, 4 Municipal Plaza, Monroe. The meeting will include a post card writing session, with messages urging voter participation in the 2020 election, and a short film, “Unbreaking America: Divided we Fall,” narrated by Michael Douglas.
Postcards will be provided; participants are encouraged to help defray costs by donating stamps.
The meeting is free and open to the public.
Indivisible of Monroe Township is one of 6,000 grassroots activist organizations nationwide that formed after the 2016 election. Its mission is to promote a progressive agenda and ideals through legislative advocacy and community outreach. Together, with other New Jersey activist groups, it represents more than 3,000 voters. During the 2018 election, Indivisible was instrumental in getting out the vote, registering voters and building a grassroots network pushing for progressive policies.