Abernethy named acting business administrator in Millstone Township

MILLSTONE – Kevin Abernethy has been appointed Millstone Township’s acting business administrator.

He succeeds Roger Staib in the position.

Township Committee members passed a resolution appointing Abernethy to the position during their Jan. 15 meeting. His first official day at work was Jan. 10.

Staib was named acting business administrator following the retirement of Maria Dellasala in 2019. He stepped down in early January after serving in the position for just under one year.

“We would like to welcome Kevin as our new business administrator. We wish him well. He’s been here for four days and hopefully he will continue to like working with us,” Deputy Mayor Nancy Grbelja said.

According to the municipal website, the Department of Administration carries out the laws and policies enacted by the Township Committee, and encompasses the Office of the Administrator, Municipal Clerk and Finance Department.

The administrator directs and coordinates all departments and serves as the township personnel officer. The administrator is responsible to the Township Committee for the day-to-day operation of the municipality.

The business administrator also negotiates for the township in all collective bargaining agreements with municipal employees, prepares the annual operating and capital budgets, oversees capital projects, and works closely with the township engineer, according to the website.