Metuchen streamlines development application process

METUCHEN – Somewhere along the line, the original purpose of the Technical Review Committee (TRC) prior to Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment meetings got lost.

“TRC was originally designed and structured to take some of the formality out of the process and save applicants money and frustration,” Mayor Jonathan Busch said. “It was received well going on for at least 15 years.”

However, overtime members of the TRC were also on the Planning and Zoning boards, which caused scheduling of applicant delays due to differing opinions.

The Borough Council moved to restructure the current development application process, eliminate the TRC and establish a Development Review Committee in an effort to maximize efficiency of the application process through an ordinance during a meeting on Jan. 13.

Busch said the Development Review Committee will function more like his open office hours. Experts, such as the township planner, township attorney, police chief or fire chief, will be on hand to offer their expertise on any application issues.

“We are streamlining the process, making it work the way it is intended to work,” Busch said.

Councilman Todd Pagel suggested airing the Planning and Zoning Board of Adjustment meetings on social media and local television similar to the council and Board of Education meetings to keep the public more informed on board procedures. Busch said officials would conduct a cost-benefit analysis and consider the suggestion.