Car burglars targeting unlocked cars in South Brunswick


SOUTH BRUNSWICK – In the past month, suspect(s) have entered unlocked vehicles around South Brunswick during the overnight hours and stolen items.

There have been 24 reported incidents and they appear connected to similar thefts in neighboring communities in Somerset and Mercer counties, according to information provided by the South Brunswick Police Department.

South Brunswick detectives have recovered several images of the suspect. The suspect approaches vehicles that are parked both on the street and in driveways. If the doors are unlocked the suspect will ransack the vehicle taking loose items including change and electronics, police said. The suspect appears to were gloves and something to partially obstruct his face.

These burglaries are not limited to any one specific area of town.

Residents are reminded to lock your car doors each night and report any unusual activity, according to the statement. Take your key fob with you; do not leave it in your vehicle. Do not leave valuables in your vehicle. If possible, park in a well lit area.

Anyone with information on the car burglaries should call police at 732-329-4646.