Spotswood approves architect, engineering services for water plant

SPOTSWOOD–The Borough Council approved a resolution authorizing Arcari Iovino Architects to provide architectural services for the rehabilitation of the George Street Water Treatment Plant, as well as a resolution authorizing CME Associates to perform engineering services in connection with the rehabilitation of the same plant.

“The George Street Water Treatment Plant has been decommissioned since 2011 when it was substantially damaged by [Superstorm] Irene,” Business Administrator Dawn McDonald said.

On Jan. 22, CME Associates submitted an amended cost estimate for the project to include services in connection with the preparation of an application to the New Jersey Infrastructure Financing Bank, as required by the WISE Act for water infrastructure projects in excess of $1 million.

CME Associates is authorized to perform the engineering services in connection with the rehabilitation of the George Street Water Treatment Plant for a total of $197,545. Engineering services will include state application services, structural phase services, electrical phase services, civil design phase services, and bid phase services, according to the council.

The borough has received a proposal for goods and services to be provided under as a non-fair and open contract. The business administrator has determined that the value of the services will exceed $17,500, according to the council agenda.

Arcari Iovino Architects of Little Ferry has submitted a cost estimate for professional architectural services in connection with the rehabilitation of the George Street Water Treatment Plant in the amount of $38,000, to include design and construction documents phase, bidding phase and construction phase, according to the council agenda.

“The project will include [the] design of a new water treatment facility, a new structural frame design to raise the treatment plant above flood elevation, upgrade of well facilities for the potential increase in instantaneous flow and a new driveway/access gate,” McDonald said.

The project will also address various building repairs and modifications including, but not limited to, structural repairs, new garage door/opening, exterior wall repairs, roof repairs/replacement, doors and windows, bathroom upgrades, lights and electric outlets, interior finishes, wall/floor finishes and flood vents, according to McDonald.

The borough’s chief financial officer has provided a certification in writing as to the availability of adequate funds for the awarding of the contract described, according to the council agenda.

The resolutions approved at the Feb.3 council meeting authorize the borough engineer and architect to design the project and prepare bid specifications. Construction will begin once this phase is complete and after the project is awarded to the successful bidder,” McDonald said.

Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].