Spotswood residents voice disapproval for administrator appointed for project

SPOTSWOOD–Seeking to provide funding for the George Street Water Treatment Plant upgrades, the Borough Council approved a resolution to send an application requesting state funding.

On Feb. 3, the council approved a resolution to file an application to the New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Financing Program/Water Bank through the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank (NJIB) for the rehabilitation of the George Street Water Treatment Plant.

By approving the resolution, it also authorizes Business Administrator Dawn McDonald to act as the authorized representative to represent in all matters relating to the project.

“Seriously? Dawn McDonald – are we kidding? We have three lawsuits … she can’t get along with anybody, we took human resources away from her, we suspended her, but we are going to put her in charge of this project. Anybody else see a problem with this besides me? … You need to reconsider this. Somebody else needs to be appointed to this,” resident Collene Wronko said.

Resident Steve Wronko, Collene’s husband, asked what expertise she has to qualify her for the job.

“I like to tell you [Steve Wronko] but the two people that would know are not here,” Council President Larry Kraemer said.

Mayor Edward Seely, McDonald and Councilman Charlie Spicuzzo were absent on Feb. 3 during the council meeting.

Stave Wronko asked why McDonald was not present at the council meeting.

“That is a good question. As far as I understand she was told she did not have to come,” Kraemer said.

Kraemer said that he will request from the mayor that McDonald must attend the council meetings as part of her salary.

“I would say, why not look for somebody else instead of Dawn McDonald for this job? My recommendation would be [to] find someone else, she cannot be the one and only person who has qualifications for this job,” resident Cheryl Bass said.

The project will also address various building repairs and modifications including, but not limited to, structural repairs, new garage door/opening, exterior wall repairs, roof repairs/replacement, doors and windows, bathroom upgrades, lights and electric outlet.

The project will include the design of a new water treatment facility, a new structural frame design to raise the treatment plant above flood elevation, upgrade of well facilities for the potential increase in instantaneous flow and a new driveway/access gate, according to the council agenda.

Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].