South Brunswick resident manages award-winning American Legion newspaper

SOUTH BRUNSWICK – The NJ Communications, Advertising and Marketing Association (NJ CAMA) honored The American Legion, Department of NJ with a gold Award of Excellence at the 2019 ASTRA Awards competition.

The award was in the print media category for its newspaper “New Jersey Legionnaire.” Accepting the award at Jasna Polana in Princeton was South Brunswick resident Gary Cooper, managing editor of the publication and commander of Lt. John Farnkopf American Legion Post 401 in Monmouth Junction.

“New Jersey Legionnaire” has a print circulation of 40,000, is sent to all New Jersey members across the country, as well as all federal and state legislators.

The Astra Awards is an annual awards celebration open to all communication professionals in the state of New Jersey. The organization, which was founded in 1986, has a mission to support a community of creative and business professionals with programs and resources that continually improve the effectiveness and integrity of communications, delivered through advertising, marketing programs, public relations and other tactical efforts.