Cost of new Freehold Borough water treatment plant increases to $9.5 million

FREEHOLD – Municipal officials in Freehold Borough are increasing funding for the construction of a new water treatment plant.

On March 2, Borough Council members adopted an ordinance that will increase the appropriation and debt authorization to build the new water treatment plant on a well field on Waterworks Road, across from the municipality’s existing water treatment plant.

A previous ordinance appropriated $7.2 million for the project and authorized debt in the amount of $7.18 million.

The amended ordinance appropriates $9.5 million for the project and authorizes debt in the amount of $9.48 million. Borough officials will make a $25,000 down payment to cover the balance.

The amended ordinance states that the increase in funding was sought after municipal officials determined that the costs associated with the improvements are higher than anticipated.

In other business, council members authorized a contract not to exceed $30,000 to be awarded to Millennium Strategies for professional grant writing services.

A resolution states that the awarding of the contract will permit Freehold Borough to seek sensible grants that fit the borough’s objectives and cut some of the town’s costs.

And, the council passed a resolution that allows Freehold Borough to participate with Manalapan and Western Monmouth County Animal Control in applying for a Local Efficiency Achievement Program (LEAP) challenge grant.

Manalapan will serve as the lead agency in the program, according to the resolution, which says the state has allocated $150,000 in each county for the program and that Freehold Borough and Manalapan are applying for a LEAP grant in the amount of $25,000.

The purpose of the project submitted in the grant application is to share an animal control truck/van to enhance, provide and improve more efficient animal control services in the participating communities.