Princeton officials investigating possible exposure to coronavirus

Princeton officials are attempting to contact Princeton residents who attended a private party in town on Feb. 29 and who may have been exposed to the coronavirus, according to Princeton Health Officer Jeffrey Grosser.

Two people at the party had attended the Biogen Conference in Boston, which has been linked to coronarvirus transmission. When they returned to their homes in the Boston area, they tested positive for the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, Grosser said.

In addition, two Princeton University staff members who attended the Feb. 29 party are under self-quarantine, Princeton University officials said. They are being tested and the results are expected in a few days.

Princeton University is working with the Princeton Health Department to identify and contact anyone who may have been in close contact with the staff members since their possible exposure to COVID-19.

“The immediate risk to the general Princeton population remains low,” Grosser emphasized.

The investigation is preliminary, but Princeton Health Department officials believe there were about 30 people at the party. Some of the attendees are Princeton residents, but others are not.

The Princeton Health Department is working with other local health jurisdictions where the other attendees live, Grosser said. The people who attended the party have been asked to self-quarantine until assessments and any tests are completed, he said.

In the meantime, practicing basic hygiene infection control on a daily basis can help to stop the spread of COVID-19 and other diseases, Grosser said.

Those measures include washing one’s hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and avoiding touching one’s eyes, mouth and nose.

Avoiding close contact with persons who are sick and staying home when one is sick also would help to stop COVID-19 and other diseases from spreading.

Other practices include covering one’s mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and then tossing the tissues. Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces also is recommended.