Jackson planners approve subdivision of land for 10 new homes

JACKSON – The Jackson Planning Board has approved the subdivision of five lots that could result in the construction of 10 new homes.

During a meeting on March 2, board members granted preliminary and final major subdivision approval to Solomon Zolty for a parcel on South Hope Chapel Road in Jackson. Zolty got the go-ahead to subdivide five lots into 12 residential lots and one storm water lot.

Chairman Robert Hudak, Vice Chairman Leonard Haring Jr. and board members Timothy Dolan, Michele Campbell, Paul Nigro, Jackson Business Administrator Terence Wall and Township Councilman Martin Flemming voted “yes” on a motion to approve the subdivision.

The property is on South Hope Chapel Road and Jessica Court between Whitesville Road and Linda Drive. According to a legal notice, the property consists of 15.6 acres in Jackson’s R-1 residential zone. The property currently contains five homes, two of which will remain and three of which will be demolished.

In his application to the board, Zolty proposed creating 12 residential lots and one storm water basin lot. According to his plan, two existing homes would remain and 10 new homes would be constructed at the site.

The homes would be served by a public sewer system and the lot size for each home will be 1 acre, which conforms to the regulations of the R-1 zone, according to the applicant.

Attorney Adam Pfeffer and Ian Borden of Professional Design Services represented Zolty before the board.

Borden said the front setback of the proposed residences would be 40 feet and he said each home would have a single-car garage.

Borden said any homes that have more than five bedrooms will be required to provide four parking spaces. He said he did not know how many homes would have more than five bedrooms as that will be a marketing decision the developer makes if and when the project is constructed.

The project does not include an affordable housing component, according to Borden.

The applicant requested, and the board granted, a variance for the storm water lot. A 1-acre lot for the storm was basin was required by the municipal code and the approved lot for the basin is 0.7 acres.