Three Marlboro police officers promoted during ceremony

MARLBORO – Three officers in the Marlboro Police Department received promotions during the March 5 meeting of the Township Council.

Stephen Levy was promoted from lieutenant to captain, John Loyer was promoted from sergeant to lieutenant and Brian Willett was promoted to from patrolman to sergeant. The officers were sworn in to their new positions by Mayor Jonathan Hornik.

According to the township, Levy has worked with the police department since 1999. He began his career as a police dispatcher before he became a patrol officer until 2005. He worked as a School Resource Officer in the Marlboro K-8 School District elementary schools until 2009. Levy served with the Detective Bureau in 2010 before he was promoted to sergeant of the Patrol Division in 2011. He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant in 2017.

According to the township, Loyer was hired by the police department in 1990 as a communications operator. He was hired as a full-time police officer in 1992 and became a Drug Abuse Resistance Education officer in the Marlboro K-8 School District in 1995. He served as a field training officer from 2003 until his promotion to sergeant in 2010.

According to the township, Willett enlisted in the National Guard in 2000 and was deployed to the Middle East for 18 months from 2004-05 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He was hired by the Marlboro Police Department in 2009. He has served as an emergency medical technician, a member of the Emergency Response Team, a certified firearms instructor and a drug recognition expert.

“I am proud of all three officers. They have worked hard for their accomplishments and their promotions are well deserved,” Police Chief Peter Pezzullo said.

“Three words can describe what these promotions mean to me and the department as a whole and those words are expectation, challenge and change.

“There will be great expectations placed on all three supervisors as we look to the future and we are confident they will strive to exceed those expectations.

“Each supervisor will face many challenges along the way, but we are certain they are prepared to meet each challenge in a mature and professional manner.

“These supervisors will be playing a large role in fostering positive change throughout our police department and in the community we serve. Their leadership will be a driving force for the men and women of the Marlboro Township police,” Pezzullo said.