South River council authorizes environmental services for former firehouse property

SOUTH RIVER–The Borough Council approved a resolution authorizing CME Associates to conduct environmental services as part of the George Street Firehouse project.

The services for 28 George St. will be performed concurrently to the planned site building demolition, according to a letter from the Borough Engineer Bruce Koch.

“CME Associates has already done preliminary site inspection. [The resolution] is for services during demolition,” Borough Administrator Art Londensky said.

The council approved the resolution authorizing $44,000 during the council meeting on March 9.

The approximately 0.48 acre site was formerly occupied by the South River Fire Department since sometime between 1923 and 1930 until operations were relocated to a new firehouse facility in 2017. The site is currently used by the South River Police Department for parking and vehicle access; the site building is currently unoccupied, according to a letter from Koch.

Londensky said after the borough awards a contract for the demolition of the firehouse, CME Associates will start the environmental services.

Once the services have been completed, Londensky said, “The next step is for the borough to allocate funding for the project and go out for bid for demolition.”

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Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].