
East Windsor schools go to remote learning

The East Windsor Regional School District is moving ahead with remote learning, beginning March 17, for a two-week period in response to the spread of the coronavirus, Superintendent of Schools Mark Daniels said on March 13.

The schools will close early on March 16, and students should bring home any materials that they may need for remote instruction. This would include musical instruments, textbooks, technology, reading material and any other supplies they may need, Daniels said.

“Although we do not have a known confirmed case (of COVID-19) in the East Windsor Regional School District at this time, I do not want to wait until one is identified and it becomes too late to limit the spread of this highly contagious virus,” Daniels said.

“(Remote learning) is being implemented as a precautionary and proactive approach to reduce the risk for our students, staff and families,” he said.

In addition, all school district activities and athletic events, including practices, will be postponed or canceled, Daniels said. Facility use, events and rental activities will be postponed or canceled.

School district officials will consider whether to extend remote learning beyond the two-week period of March 17-27, based on the guidance of public health officials, Daniels said. Parents will be informed of any changes or updates.

The district’s remote learning plan consists of a combination of online learning opportunities, combined with traditional learning opportunities consisting of books, instructional packets and supplementary handouts.

“It is important to clarify that ‘remote learning’ does not mean that our district will be completely closed,” Daniels said.

“Our buildings will be operational and staff members will be present to answer questions and provide support,” he said.

Students who are eligible for free or reduced price lunch can go to selected schools near them to pick up breakfast and lunch on a “grab and go” basis during the two-week period that the buildings are closed, Daniels said.

The five schools – the Ethel McKnight, Perry L. Drew and Grace N. Rogers elementary schools and the Melvin H. Kreps Middle School and Hightstown High School – will be open weekdays between 8 a.m. and noon for the students to pick up their meals.