Jackson schools close; district enacts remote learning plan

JACKSON – In an attempt to help stop the spread of coronavirus, the Jackson School District has closed until further notice and students will be educated through a remote learning plan.

District administrators notified parents and staff members of their decision on March 13. Jackson schools, like those in many neighboring school districts, were closed beginning March 16.

Gov. Phil Murphy had a press conference scheduled for the afternoon of March 16 and was expected to direct all public and private schools in New Jersey to close if they had not already done so.

Jackson school district administrators said, “This closure is necessary to promote social distancing and thereby limit the spread of the coronavirus to our highest risk populations.

“We must do everything we can to fight any community spread that may occur. We know this will be challenging for our families and for our staff. This decision was made for the safety of our students, staff and communities.

“We have created remote learning plans that provide meaningful instruction and related services strategies for grades Pre-K to 12. Our plans take into consideration that students have varied levels of access to technology devices and internet access. The plans are also inclusive of all learning abilities,” district administrators said in a press release.

Students can access the remote learning plans on the school district’s remote learning plan website. Similar to summer work assignments, these plans are organized by grade level and/or subject, according to district administrators.

Teaching staff will be available to students through email every weekday during normal school hours.

There will be no access to district buildings while the schools are closed. The district’s administration team and building level administrators and support staff will be available and may be contacted by phone and email between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. each day.

There will be no events or activities while schools are closed. The only people who will be permitted to enter any building are district staff members. All child care programs are cancelled during the time schools are closed. All athletic programs, including all practices, are cancelled during the closure.

District administrators said this plan covers a two-week time period of closure if that length is necessary.