Second Princeton staffer positive for COVID-19

The second of two Princeton University staffers who attended a party in Princeton last month has tested positive for the coronavirus, or COVID-19, according to Princeton University officials.

The results for the second Princeton University staffer were announced March 14, one day after the results of the first staffer’s test for COVID-19 were released by the Princeton Health Department.

The two staff members have been under self-quarantine and will remain in self-quarantine, Princeton University officials said. They were among 47 guests who attended the Feb. 29 party at a Princeton home.

Two Massachusetts residents also attended the party, and tested positive for COVID-19 when they returned home. The two Massachusetts residents had earlier attended the Biogen conference in Boston, which has been linked to the spread of COVID-19.

Princeton University has been working with the Princeton Health Department to identify and contact anyone else who may have been in direct close contact with the two staff members since their potential exposure to COVID-19.