Princeton launches new website to keep town informed

The Municipality of Princeton has launched a new website that will serve as a local clearinghouse for the latest information on local COVID-19 cases, current restrictions and recommendations.

The new website is, and it went live March 18. It is a cooperative venture between the town, the Princeton Public Library and the Princeton Public Schools.

The new website will feature a daily message from Mayor Liz Lempert, as well as information on the various aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

There will be information on the virus and what to do if one feels sick.

Also, there will be information on the resources available for people who need food or who  have lost their jobs, plus information to guide residents who want to help out, volunteer or donate money.

A link on the website lists the businesses and restaurants that are open. Viewer can find out how to shop locally and online.

The website will offer information on how people can stay connected, despite being told to stay home. There are links to local arts and cultural institutions that offer special online programs.

In her inaugural message on the website, Mayor Lempert said that one of the most difficult aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic is the forced social isolation that medical experts have said is necessary to slow down its spread.

“Normally when we are facing a challenge as a community, we are able to come together to address it. The act of coming together creates a sense of solidarity and gives us all energy,” Mayor Lempert said.

But this situation is especially challenging, because to stay safe, people have to stay away from one another, she said. It can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation.

“If you are feeling lonely, it is important to remember you are not alone. Nearly every person in Princeton and beyond is being impacted by the pandemic and feeling lonely,” the mayor said.

Mayor Lempert encouraged people to talk to one another and to reach out to help each other.

“Remember, we are all in this together,” Mayor Lempert said.