Howell councilman: Residents step up to help each other

HOWELL- Councilman Thomas Russo said residents have responded to his call for people to assist their community during the coronavirus outbreak that has seen many individuals put out of work and otherwise challenged.

Speaking during the March 24 meeting of the Howell Township Council, Russo said he placed a post on social media and asked for volunteers to help deliver groceries to senior citizens during a time when people have been asked by Gov. Phil Murphy not to leave their homes.

“I received more volunteers than there were people in need, which is absolutely amazing,” Russo said.

He said he heard from business owners who were forced to shut down their operations during the outbreak of the coronavirus.

“Those business owners offered to give away food to our residents and our township. I have had friends call me about donating children’s clothes and baby formula.

“I had a friend recently who works at Costco … who bought a 30-roll package of toilet paper, which is like gold right now, for the sole purpose of giving it away to Howell residents who need it,” Russo said.

He said people have been buying gift cards in bulk to support local businesses.

Russo said one young resident wrote “Stay Positive” in giant letters on a fence for neighbors to see.

“I think the rain washed those words away (a day earlier), so now they have the word ‘kindness’ on the side,” the councilman said. “If this (pandemic) has taught me anything, it really confirmed what I already knew about our town; that we are a charitable, good town, compassionate, we look out for one another. It is really great to see.”