All Marlboro K-8 pupils may sign up to receive free lunch

MARLBORO – Administrators in the Marlboro K-8 School District have announced that all students who are enrolled in the district will be eligible to receive a free lunch courtesy of the district during the state-mandated quarantine due to COVID-19.

Superintendent of Schools Eric Hibbs said anyone who wishes to have their child enter the program may email Julie Loftus at [email protected] by noon on Monday to receive a lunch for Tuesday and Wednesday, or by noon on Wednesday to receive a lunch for Thursday and Friday.

The email must include the parent’s name, all children attending a school in the district, and the students’ home address.

Individuals who sign up for the lunch program will be assigned a number that will be used when picking up lunch at the Marlboro Middle School, 355 Route 520, by door No. 6 between 10-11:30 a.m. on Tuesday and Thursday.

District administrators asked individuals who are picking up the lunches not to leave their vehicles. Each pickup will include two lunches per student.

Residents may schedule which days they would like to pick up lunch or they may ask to be permanently placed on the list and may pick up lunch on each day available.

The next three meals available for pick-up will include the following:

• March 31 menu will include two lunches: Personal Cheese Pizza Lunch and Daily Sandwich Lunch;

• April 2 menu will include two lunches: Breakfast for Lunch and Daily Sandwich Lunch;

• April 7 menu will include two lunches: Chicken Nachos Lunch and Daily Sandwich Lunch.

“In times like these, we need to all come together as a community,” Hibbs said. “No one could have foreseen our current situation. (We) recognize that everyone’s circumstances can change in a matter of minutes, so we are ready to do our part to support our incredible community.

“We are not mandated to do this. It is totally our decision. Vincent Palmiero, our director of Chartwells Food Services, has devised a plan to support our students. We are going to work extra hard to make this happen for our community,” the superintendent said.

Hibbs said anyone who is currently receiving a food delivery from the school district will have that service remain the same. Food will be delivered on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Anyone who is currently having food delivered to their home, but who would like to pick it up instead may email Palmiero at [email protected]