Milltown mayor says the borough will get through pandemic stronger than ever

MILLTOWN – Milltown Mayor Trina Mehr says the borough will “get through [the novel coronavirus pandemic] stronger than ever.”

“I know it’s been a difficult few weeks for us,” she said in a video message to residents on March 26. “We all have pitched in together. I couldn’t be more proud of how Milltown has reacted [to the pandemic]. All our employees, our team, we’ve all worked together on a lot of calls with the county and state.”

Mehr said Milltown has yet to have a resident test positive for COVID-19.

She said the work in Borough Hall continues with employees working staggered shifts and all regular services are continuing.

Borough officials are discussing various IT platforms for the next Borough Council meeting, which will be decided next week.

Mehr encouraged local business owners to reach out to her for any issues. She said she could act as a liaison for businesses in need of small business loans.

“I hope you are enjoying time with family,” she said. “I’m enjoying my family home, we are playing games and I have cooked more than I have in two years. I hope you find some joy in this situation … together Milltown will get through this stronger than ever.”

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