Helmetta has a report of four positive COVID-19 cases

HELMETTA – Helmetta has a report of four positive COVID-19 cases, with one new case reported on March 30, according to Middlesex County officials.

The Helmetta Office of Emergency Management is continuing to monitor the developments at the local, county, state and federal levels in response to COVID-19.

Mayor Chris Slavicek in a message to residents on March 29 said “as you can see by the news briefings on both state and national levels, New Jersey remains a ‘hot spot’ for this pandemic; positive cases rapidly rise, and negative outcomes continue to increase.”

“The stay-at-home order is still in effect and social distancing is key,” he said. “Please take this serious and abide by the Governor’s Executive Order. In order to flatten the curve, participation is required, not optional, for the well-being of all. Borough Offices, parks and recreation areas remain closed until further notice. Borough employees are available remotely via email and/or phone.”

Slavicek initiated a #LightUpForLives Candlelight Campaign, which asks residents to simply displaying a lit candle on their front porch each evening in hopes of banding together to create a ‘shining’ example of humanity.

“The light will signify strength, a sense of community togetherness and that sincere hope for a beam of light to end this pandemic,” he said. “Our thoughts are with the families of those lives lost and fighting for a positive outcome.”

The Helmetta Fire Department has launched ‘Red to the Rescue.’ The effort is to assist seniors, the disabled or even the less fortunate with necessary errands or essentials.

Anyone in need of assistance, contact Fire Chief Joseph Reid via email at [email protected] or leave a voice message at 732-521-4946 ext. 100.

For more updates visit www.helmettaboro.com.