Millstone Township officials designate three sites for affordable housing

MILLSTONE – Three agreements have been authorized by the Township Committee that will clear the way for a trio of projects that will help Millstone Township meet its obligation to provide opportunities for the construction of affordable housing in the community.

The obligation to provide affordable housing has been mandated by New Jersey’s courts, which determined the former New Jersey Council on Affordable Housing was not enforcing regulations to create affordable housing which the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled must be constructed throughout the state.

Affordable housing is defined as housing that is sold or rented at below market rates to individuals and families whose income meets certain guidelines. According to township officials, Millstone’s obligation is 231 affordable housing units.

On March 18, committee members passed three resolutions authorizing agreements to create residential developments that will contain affordable housing units. Two agreements are with the Affordable Housing Alliance (AHA) and one agreement is with Gerald Baldachino of Baldachino Properties.

The AHA is a nonprofit corporation that works with municipalities to assist with affordable housing compliance. AHA has previously assisted Millstone Township with other affordable housing developments.

The agreement with Baldachino will provide for a proposed development that will be a mix of market rate housing and affordable housing, according to municipal officials.

The plan from Baldachino Properties may propose a maximum of 240 units, with 48 units designated as affordable housing. The location would be at 710-711 Perrineville Road (Route 1), which is owned by Baldachino, and is a 45-acre parcel.

One agreement with AHA will provide for a project to be known as CKV Millstone Woods. According to the resolution, the proposed development will have 49 single-family homes, all of which will be marketed as affordable housing. The location is 27 Burnt Tavern Road.

The second agreement with AHA will provide for a project to be known as Shu Lee Apartments at 8 Novad Court, off Route 537 near Interstate 195. The development will consist of 30 rental apartments, all of which will be designated as affordable housing, according to the resolution.

The parcels at 27 Burnt Tavern Road and 8 Novad Court are owned by Millstone.

The resolutions for the proposed developments at those locations state that Millstone officials have committed to transferring ownership of both parcels to AHA at no cost to facilitate the construction of the affordable housing and to enhance the economic feasibility of the projects.

With the exception of the Baldachino development, which will include market rate housing and affordable housing at the same location, municipal officials have said that in meeting the 231-unit obligation, Millstone’s affordable housing projects will consist entirely of affordable housing units.