Monroe total positive COVID-19 cases reach triple digits

MONROE – Monroe officials reported 15 new positive COVID-19 cases on April 1, bringing the total number of cases to 105, according to the Monroe Township Office of Emergency Management.

The new cases include eight females – a 36-year-old, a 40-year-old, a 44-year-old, a 53-year-old, 59-year-old, and a 69-year-old female, 79-year-old and a 90-year-old – and seven men – 34-year-old, two 57-year-olds, 65-year-old, a 70-year-old, an 85-year-old, and an 89-year-old.

Four people are in the hospital and the remainder are recovering in self-quarantine at their homes, officials said.

“With 31 new cases over the last two days, the fight comes down to us Monroe residents, each one of us,” Mayor Gerald Tamburro said. “As the virus surges in New York and North Jersey, we each have a role to play to save lives.”

Tamburro said again their role is to stay home to social distance, wash hands and slow the virus.

“We must give our hospitals and medical professionals the time needed to increase ICU beds, ventilators and equipment,” he said. “If we stay home, we save more lives. I know we are all scared. It’s normal to feel that way now. But I know we can do this. Right now, nothing is more important than staying home and slowing this spread.”

The drive-thru testing site at MyInstaDoc, 298 Applegarth Road, reports testing more than 600 patients in Monroe since testing began on March 20.

The testing site serves pre-registered patients from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and drive-up patients from 1-3:30pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Pre-register at or call 609-207-3220 to speak with a medical professional.

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