Spotswood Senior Center holds virtual trips for patrons during COVID-19 crisis

SPOTSWOOD–Walking through Yosemite National Park or the Louvre Museum currently seems like a distant dream amid the COVID-19 crisis, unless one joins the Spotswood Office on Aging and Senior Center for a virtual tour.

“The [virus] has obviously changed everyone’s worlds and we are trying our best to connect with our seniors by bringing them both fun and informational activities and messages,” Office on Aging Director Donna Faulkenberry said. “Artists and organizations have become so creative in ways to bring talent and beauty to a world that can’t connect any other way right now. It’s inspiring and we’re just sharing this with our extended family.”

“As of now, we’ve visited the art museums of the Vatican, Yosemite National Park and the Louvre,” Faulkenberry said of the “trips” taken since March.

Faulkenberry said the senior center plans on holding virtual trips twice a week.
For other ways to support seniors who may be isolated, Faulkenberry said, “Reach out. A phone call, email, text, video chat or go old school with letters and cards. If you live within walking distance, visit from the sidewalk. Communication means so much even when we aren’t forced to be apart.
“Ask if they need anything, let them know you’re thinking of them, share stories, tell jokes, tell them you miss them and love them. We’re all in this together and better times are ahead,” she said.
For more information about the center’s virtual trips, visit or call 732-251-0700.
Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].