Construction code official hired in Millstone Township

MILLSTONE – The Township Committee has appointed Dennis Gibson as Millstone Township’s construction code official.

Gibson previously worked as the temporary construction code official. He is also Millstone Township’s plumbing inspector and plumbing subcode official.

According to a resolution, his position as the construction code official began on April 6. The annual salary for the position is $37,741.

The township’s website states that the Construction Department is responsible for enforcing municipal housing codes and the regulations of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code.  Construction Division inspectors review structural construction, heating and air conditioning, plumbing and electrical work prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.

Gibson was hired after committee members adopted an ordinance amending the salary of the construction code official to increase the maximum salary for the position to $45,000. Prior to the amendment, the maximum salary was $35,000.

The minimum salary for the construction code official’s position remained unchanged at $1,000.

In other business, Mayor Fiore Masci appointed Ellen Terry as a member of the Shade Tree Commission for a five-year term beginning April 1, 2020, and ending Dec. 31, 2024.

“Ellen brings a lot of experience to the Shade Tree Commission and we all look forward to having her dedicate her time toward it,” Masci said.

Committeeman Al Ferro said, “Not only will she bring her experience, but she’s already come to one of the meetings as a guest and she has brought a lot of good ideas and creativity. She is going to be a big asset to the commission.”