Bordentown Township Committee updates residents on effects of COVID-19

BORDENTOWN – Bordentown City is reporting 13 positive COVID-19 patients as of April 17, with one person cleared from quarantine but an 86-year-old female passing away.

Bordentown Township has 33 positive cases, with nine people cleared from quarantine but a 79-year-old male and 71-year-old male having passed away.

Across Burlington County there are 1,385 positive cases reported with 114 people cleared but 56 deaths, according to information provided by the Burlington County Board of Chosen Freeholders’ Office of Public Information.

The Township Committee of Burlington Township released a statement on April 17 regarding the pandemic.

“We would like to extend our best wishes to all during this very difficult time. Specifically, our hearts and thoughts go out to the families and friends of the two residents that have sadly lost their lives to this terrible virus. For all others who have been afflicted, our hope is that your recovery is swift and complete.

“We would also like to acknowledge and thank all of our first responders and emergency personnel who have been heroically and faithfully continuing to serve the community. The Bordentown Police Department, the Bordentown EMS, and Fire Districts 1 and 2 should be commended for all the work that they do in keeping us safe. We are blessed as a township to have such committed and dedicated public servants.

“As a township committee, our first priority is always the health, safety and welfare of our community. This is why we have kept strict compliance with all of the governor’s Executive Orders and will take great care in when and how we resume regular municipal activities.

“The committee also understands the burden this is taking on our local business community. We encourage everyone to support local businesses as much as possible during this time. If you need to purchase items out in public, please be safe and look to your Bordentown businesses to meet your needs. When these restrictions end, we certainly want everyone to fully support all of our local businesses. In order to do our part, the committee has recently waived the local business license fees for this year. These businesses are the lifeblood of our community and we continue to support them during this time.

“Our Emergency Management Team, consisting of Police Chief Brian Pesce, Public Works Manager Dean Buhrer, Township Administrator Michael Theokas, Fire Chief of District No. 1 Steve Scholey, and Fire Chief of District No. 2 Bob McFarland, have been meeting regularly to coordinate acquisition of personal protective equipment (PPE), safety measures, liaison relations with the Burlington County OEM and the State of New Jersey OEM, and overall public safety concerns.

“We have heard from many of you with questions, comments and concerns. As a result, please be advised of the following.

  • Town Hall remains closed to the public, at least until April 30. Some township staff has been in the building periodically to maintain operations. All staff has access to their township emails and phone messages and have been working remotely as much as possible.
  • There are drop boxes in the main lobby of the municipal building for those who need to drop off paperwork, licenses, or applications. These boxes are checked regularly.
  • In the next week, we will be installing a secure lock box in the lobby of the municipal building for payments of taxes. We strongly recommend residents still either mail their tax payments or pay online to avoid entering the building. Please be advised that we are waiting for direction from the governor regarding the waiving of late penalties for taxes.
  • Our Public Works Department is working staggered shifts, and is beginning to increase the services they provide. Residents can call for scheduled brush and white goods pickup. Regular garbage pick-up remains on schedule, including bulk pickup. The Recycling Facility remains open with regular hours for residents to drop off recycling, e-waste, or brush.
  • All township parks and park facilities remain closed. This includes the walking and bike paths. We realize this is a concern for many residents. However, again, our primary focus is the health, safety and welfare of all our residents. Please understand that this is being done in order to help flatten the curve of the virus and hasten the eventual resumption to normalcy. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation and understanding.
  • The township committee meetings remain on schedule, and will be held via Zoom meeting for the foreseeable future. The link for public participation can be found with the agenda on the township’s website.
  • The township Planning Board will be meeting via Zoom as well on April 23. Our goal is to continue the land use approval processes as much as possible.
  • All other committee and commission meetings have been cancelled until further notice.
  • The township Senior Center remains closed until further notice.
  • Please continue to check the township’s website and our social media platforms for updates on cancellation of events or other important information.

“We ask all of you to continue to practice the social distancing procedures and all the safety guidelines as outlined by the governor. Please keep in touch with your friends, relatives and neighbors to make sure everyone is safe and healthy. Specifically, let us all focus on those who are specifically vulnerable to this virus: the elderly, sick or those who live in need. In these times of crisis, it is vital that we pull together as a community.

“We have all seen examples of the strength of the Bordentown community during the past several weeks. As a committee, this makes us especially proud and optimistic that we will come out of this stronger than before.”