Monroe Township Library seeks resident input for The COVID-19 Diaries collection

The Monroe Township Library seeks to document the COVID-19 pandemic through a compilation of memories and experiences created by township residents, which will become an archival collection during this unprecedented time of struggle and change.

The collection will become The COVID-19 Diaries, a reference for residents, their families and historians for generations to come.

Residents are encouraged to submit their personal experiences of how COVID-19 is affecting their lives and family, employment or business, feelings during the pandemic and time of sheltering and home quarantine, difficulties, long-term repercussions, and anything seen or heard that have profound impacts. Examples of submissions include journal entries, stories, records, art, photographs, video diaries/vlogs and poems.

All submissions may be displayed on the library’s website, social media and in the library building. A digital archive will be made to document the collection.

With each submission, include full name and indicate how name should be posted with entry. Include age if desired, as well as any other information one would like to share about themselves.

Also, include contact information. Library officials will contact residents when the library will display the projects. Email all submissions to [email protected].

Submissions will be collected through Fall 2020.