Matawan council adopts ordinances setting special duty guidelines for officers

MATAWAN – The Borough Council has adopted two ordinances that amend the municipal code regarding Matawan Police Department officers who perform special duty assignments.

“Two ordinances were amended to allow the borough to use a third party contractor to administer all police special duty assignments. This action will provide for those responsibilities, previously handled by police and borough administrative personnel, to be handled by an outside vendor at no cost to the borough,” Mayor Joseph Altomonte said.

All police special duty assignments will be in Matawan unless specific written approval is given by the police chief for an officer to work outside the borough.

According to the ordinances, which were adopted on April 7, all special duty assignments for police personnel will be determined and approved by the police chief. No police officer will be permitted to perform duty assignments for private parties for compensation other than through the established procedure.

Prior to requiring special duty services, borough officials will receive a description of the project and special duty assignment; the number of officers required; the date and time an officer will be required; the location of the assignment; and contact information for the project contractor.

The police chief may assign a patrol vehicle for use at a special duty assignment. The police chief may deny the assignment or the use of police officers or vehicles and/or impose any condition or requirement if he determines that is in the best interest of the borough, the police department and/or the police officers or public safety.

The work to be performed by an officer will be considered a “special assignment from independent contractors” and will not be considered a direct assignment. The taking of special duty assignments will be on a voluntary basis in accordance with a fair and reasonable system established and approved by the police chief, according to the council.

“Borough officials and the police chief believed that by outsourcing this function (of scheduling special duty assignments), it made the process more efficient. It freed up borough personnel and police personnel to handle other things,” Altomonte said.

Officers engaged in special duty assignments will be considered to be off-duty and will conform to all police department rules, regulations and procedures.

The contractor will pay for services that include a police officer hourly rate; a police vehicle fee of $5 per hour per vehicle assigned to a special duty assignment; and a $12 per hour administrative fee for each special duty assignment, according to municipal officials.

All payments for special duty assignments will be made through a special police fund established by the municipal treasurer from which payment will be made to the individual officers who perform the assignment. An administrative fee will be retained by the borough, according to municipal officials.