Girl Scout troop supports Allentown church’s food pantry with donation of cookies

ALLENTOWN – A group of young ladies from a Burlington County Girl Scout troop has reached out to support the food pantry that is operated by the Allentown Presbyterian Church, High Street.

The food pantry has seen an increase in the local need for assistance during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic that has left many individuals unemployed.

The members of Troop 21348 from nearby Burlington County recently donated cases of Girl Scout cookies to the food pantry. The final weeks of the troop’s booth sales were cancelled as a result of the health crisis.

Troop leader Ashley Williams explained that troops are typically charged by the Girl Scouts organization for cookies that are not sold. Because of the pandemic, the troop members were told they would not be charged for the unsold cookies, however, they were required to donate them.

The young ladies from Troop 21348 learned the church’s food pantry was in need of donations.

“Our girls wanted to help out,” Williams said. “We know everyone is struggling.”

According to Lisa Boss and Sandy Carduner, representatives of the food pantry, there has been an increased need for food as the pandemic put many people out of work.

“We serve about 250 clients a month,” Boss and Carduner said. “We have seen an increase in new clients over the last few weeks due to the current economic conditions.

“We are in desperate need of food donations. Our closets that are normally completely stocked with food are now nearly empty. Food that is donated to us goes out to our clients the same week we receive it.

“We truly appreciate the generosity of Troop 21348. The Girl Scout cookies have brought smiles and joy to the faces of our clients,” Boss and Carduner said.

Any individual who would like to make a donation to the food pantry may contact Lisa Boss at [email protected] or 609-516-6815.