East Brunswick mayor confirms 326 residents test positive for COVID-19

EAST BRUNSWICK–Reaching one month since the state’s shelter-in place restrictions were issued, Mayor Brad Cohen updated residents on the impact COVID-19 has had on the Township of East Brunswick.

As of April 20, Cohen said the township has had 326 confirmed positive cases of the novel coronavirus.
“As you know, this does not reflect actual disease as so many people are asymptomatic or have mild forms of the virus,” Cohen said in a prepared statement. “As such, they will not be tested as there is still a shortage of tests. After looking at the addresses, we can say that cases are evenly distributed throughout the town and there does not seem to be a cluster in any one location.”

Cohen said the county recognizes that the statistics are problematic as there are many duplications, wrong addresses and missing information.

“A big area of concern is the death data, which did not include accurate numbers from nursing homes and assisted living facilities,” Cohen said in the statement. “There is also a problem with the timeliness of the information as the county data comes from the state and they collect information from a wide variety of sources. All this data is being reviewed and corrected as we speak.”

Cohen said the township is expecting updates later this week which are promised to be more accurate.

He offered some important reminders:

  • All municipal offices are open and working remotely. Every department can be reached by phone or email.
  • All essential services are working full schedules and are on premise.
  • Roadwork projects are underway.
  • The township website offers information on all alerts; links for information on COVID-19-related matters, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization, New Jersey Department of Health, Middlesex County Department of Health; business links for state and federal assistance programs; unemployment; EBTV; all mayor’s updates and programs; and restaurants providing takeout/delivery.
  • Parks and Recreation and the East Brunswick Public Library are providing a variety of virtual programs.
  • Senior Center staff is keeping in touch with its members both remotely and by phone. Meals on Wheels is still being provided.
  • The public schools are all closed, but teachers and students are all working remotely.

“I would like to thank all the East Brunswick civic groups, organizations, houses of worship, businesses and individual residents who have provided time, talent and money to help out during this crisis,” Cohen said in the statement. “Services have been and continue to be provided for seniors, those with disabilities, our healthcare workers, first responders, essential workers and those who have had deep financial difficulties as a result of this pandemic.”

Cohen encouraged residents to fill out their census forms while they are sheltering in place.

He also asked residents to join other communities throughout the world in clapping for heroes at 7 p.m. each evening.

“All you need to do is to come out on your porch or the front of your house and clap.
I will continue to keep the township updated and aware of what is going on regarding the pandemic,” Cohen said in the statement. “Please remember to wear masks or facial coverings when going outdoors to places where social distancing cannot be assured. Try to relish this time with your family, enjoy our beautiful parks which remain open, and most of all, stay safe.”