Mayor Scott expresses pride in Cranbury residents

Mayor Matt Scott issued the following statement on April 24 to update residents on Cranbury’s goings-on.

“I’d like to start by congratulating everyone for our town’s exceptional participation so far in the 2020 Census. As of the first tally date of April 1, 70% of Cranbury residents have completed the census. That’s the best response rate in Middlesex county. If you have not yet responded, you should do so ASAP either by filling out the form that was mailed to you or going online to The census is an important tool to measure the composition of our town and to ensure we get proper representation, state and federal funding for our population – please make sure you are counted.

“With social distancing guidelines likely to remain in effect for weeks to come, our always highly anticipated Memorial Day Parade has been canceled. This will not mean that we won’t celebrate Memorial Day as a town, however. Just as we’ve adapted to conducting business, school and socializing a different way we will create a new way to honor the day. An announcement about plans is forthcoming.

“Our next Township Committee meeting is coming up this Monday, April 27 at 7 p.m. It’s easier than ever to attend these meetings now that they are being conducted virtually – see the agenda and follow the instructions to join here:…

“On a practical note, if you’re looking to up your video conferencing skill on Zoom here’s an article with some tips:…

“If you’re looking for something to listen to during your time at home, try this series of podcasts about rare and unknown history in New Jersey brought to you by the Middlesex County Cultural & Heritage Commission:… . Or, for inspiration from someone who has dealt with serious social isolation, this interview with a NASA astronaut:

“One takeaway that resonates: What you’re doing is meaningful, and you have something to look forward to.

“If you do need to go out and are in need of protection a group of local residents have secured CDC-recommended face masks. Any residents who would like to receive a few face masks for their personal use may use the sign-up at this link. This is not a township-sponsored service, but I want to thank these residents and raise awareness for anyone who need masks:…

“Finally, I would again like to thank our local frontline workers and volunteers doing their part during this pandemic. Cranbury is home to many of my fellow medical professionals, first responders and essential workers going to work so that others can stay home. Our neighbors have also stepped up to organize volunteer efforts that are having an incredible impact on individual residents, businesses and the community overall. I’m proud of us.”