Notre Dame High School junior initiates food drive collection

Lauren Lencovich, a junior at Notre Dame High School, graduate of St. Gregory the Great Academy, and member of St. Greg’s Bold Youth Ministry, decided to use her extra time over Easter Break to help others.
After seeing a report on television that food pantries were low, she asked her father Tom Lencovich, chancellor of Knights of Columbus Council 7677, about the food pantry at St. Gregory the Great, according to information provided by the Hamilton parish.
From there, Lauren organized a special no contact Drop-Off Food Drive on April 15, benefiting the Mt. Carmel Guild & Catholic Charities Food Pantry. Fellow Bold Youth Ministry member Nick Foley, a senior at Robbinsville High School, and members of the Knights of Columbus helped the day of the drive to collect the food from donors, according to the statement.
Lauren developed a flier, advertised on social media and contacted the service teacher at Notre Dame High to have donations approved for service points, which provided an opportunity for other students to get involved, according to the statement.
More than 1,500 items were collected.
Lauren’s next drop-off food drive is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 6 at St. Gregory the Great, 4620 Nottingham Way, Hamilton.