Edison Arts Society awards three students with scholarships

EDISON – Three students have been awarded scholarships from the Edison Arts Society.

Preston Romanienko, a Middlesex County College student, has received the Edison Arts Society [EAS] Angelo Orlando scholarship. Preston is a visual art artist and plans to use his scholarship to purchase art supplies to further his studies in the arts.

Mahi Vakil, a J.P. Stevens High School student, has received the EAS Certified Kitchens Scholarship. Mahi is a pianist and she plans to use the scholarship for more piano lessons.

Louis Forgione, an Edison High School student, has received the EAS D.J. Dittman Scholarship. Louis, who received an EAS scholarship last year, is a singer and plans to use his scholarship for more singing lessons.

“EAS is so grateful for all the talent we have in our community,” EAS President Gloria S. Dittman said, noting the society has awarded scholarships to township students for six years. “For example, this year we awarded a scholarship to a pianist, a singer and a visual artist. Each an aspect of the arts. EAS’ goal is to engender a love for all the arts and by awarding the scholarships this year, we feel we have accomplished our goal.”

To qualify for the scholarships, a student must have a 3.5 GPA, attend one of Edison’s public schools including higher education institutions and must provide examples of their work. Students are also recommended by their respective teacher and the EAS Board selects each recipient.

EAS membership is open to everyone. Membership is $35 per year. For more information visit edisonarts.org.