Freehold Borough officials salute front line employees with proclamation

FREEHOLD – Municipal officials in Freehold Borough have recognized people who are required and have continued to work in public during the coronavirus pandemic.

During a meeting on April 20, Borough Council members and Mayor Kevin Kane honored  individuals who are on the front lines during the pandemic.

A proclamation was read aloud by Councilwoman Sharon Shutzer.

The proclamation describes thousands of first responders, police officers, essential employees and healthcare professionals as the only line of defense to combat the virus by working long hours as they assist people in need.

As stated in the proclamation, millions of healthcare professionals, first responders, warehouse operators, truck drivers, postal workers, delivery workers, construction workers, grocery store clerks, gas attendants and public servants are fighting the pandemic across the country and helping to ensure the health, well-being and safety of all residents.

“The individuals on the front lines are heroes because of their enduring and selfless dedication to the welfare of their fellow citizens as they continue to work in dangerous and vulnerable conditions, particularly our healthcare workers experiencing a short supply of protective gear,” Shutzer read from the proclamation. “Mankind is at war with this pandemic and the great people Americans rely on in this fight are unmatched in any and all regards.

“The mayor and the Borough Council extend a personal thank you to every front line worker and are grateful for everything they are doing for our citizens, and call on all residents of Freehold Borough and across the country to also extend their sincerest gratitude for every front line worker risking their personal health and the health of those they love to save lives. We are forever grateful for everything these heroes do every day,” Shutzer read from the proclamation.