Woodbridge reports third lowest positive COVID-19 total, Girl Scouts and Woodbridge Wild Soccer urge residents to stay at home

WOODBRIDGE – Woodbridge officials reported 18 new positive COVID-19 cases, bringing the total number of cases in the township to 1,281, according to Mayor John McCormac in his daily report on April 29.

“The township had our third lowest daily total of new cases ever … this is after a 32 and a six in the last two days, which combined are 56 for three days and last Sunday alone we had 58 so this is a very good stretch for us,” he said, adding there are no noticeable trends in the data.

The St. Joseph’s Nursing Home and Assisted Living Facility positive COVID-19 cases remain at 47. The township is reporting statistics from the nursing home separately.

The residents at St. Joseph’s Nursing Home devastated by COVID-19 were initially counted in the township’s statistics before residents were moved to another facility out of town on March 25. On April 16, residents started moving back home after a massive cleaning effort.

The township has lost 46 residents to COVID-19 plus 15 from St. Joseph’s Nursing Home

McCormac, in his report, recognized teachers and administrators for going above and beyond for the children of the township.

He also recognized the Gwynne Romig Charitable Trust, PM of Fords, Broncos Football and Cheer program and JD of Woodbridge, for donations of $3,000, $1,200 and $1,000, respectively, to We Feed Woodbridge Food Bank, which distributes funds and donations to the 11 food banks in the township.

The students of Woodbridge High School have started Woodbridge Cares to partner with their colleagues from Colonia High who started the Colonia Cares program. The Colonia Cares group has already raised more than $20,000. All the proceeds are turned into gift cards from local stores and restaurants, which are then donated to local food banks as well as Woodbridge Social Services.

For Woodbridge Cares visit https://www.etsy.com/shop/WoodbridgeCares. For Colonia Cares visit https://www.etsy.com/shop/coloniacares.

Girl Scout Troop 83610 is conducting virtual meetings during the quarantine. The troop sent a photo to the township holding signs “Troop 83610 is in this together – stay home so we can stop the spread.”

The Woodbridge Wild travel soccer team is missing each other and playing the games. They sent a photo holding signs “Woodbridge Wild begs you to stay home so our moms can start yelling about bad calls again.”

The mayor continues to urge neighbors to check on people who live alone and cannot leave their homes.

For more COVID-19 information, visit covid19.nj.gov. Visit www.twp.woodbridge.nj.us for local information.

For Middlesex County information visit discovermiddlesex.com/covid19/ or www.middlsexcountynj.gov/covid19.