Hightstown reports uptick in COVID-19 cases

The number of Hightstown residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 has continued its upward climb, according to the results released by the New Jersey Department of Health.

There were 111 residents who were confirmed to have the disease as of April 30, compared to 82 residents who had tested positive for COVID-19 one week earlier on April 21. The first case of COVID-19 among Hightstown residents was reported March 23.

The increase in the number of residents whose tests were positive for COVID-19 is an indication that the virus is circulating in the community, and that’s why Mayor Lawrence Quattrone has cautioned residents not to let their guard down.

“It is the responsibility of everyone to be mindful of this fact every time you leave your homes. [This] is a time to be steadfast with what we are doing to stop the spread of the virus,” Quattrone wrote in an April 21 letter to the community.

Quattrone said residents must have faith that the guidance provided by public health professionals and other government leaders will reduce the number of people who become ill with COVID-19.

“[We must] follow their directions for staying home, wearing masks, washing our hands frequently and social distancing at a minimum of six feet. It is making a difference, but we are not there yet,” Quattrone said.

Quattrone said residents should show their appreciation and respect for the emergency responders, healthcare workers, gas station attendants, grocery and pharmacy store clerks and government workers who risk their lives when they leave home and provide essential services.

Quattrone also called on residents to support the Hightstown restaurants that are open for takeout or pickup of food. They also deserve residents’ appreciation and respect, he said.